I know you are all getting a little big for this Nicholas.

Confession: We don't bathe the children every night. We bathe them every other night. We always bathe them on spaghetti night.

Why can't you all understand that things are so much more fun when we're all happy instead of when we're all fussy?

Yet, we all get fussy, don't we?

This still scares me when I think about it. Really, who made two-year-old-sized holes on walkway over the river?

Every time there is a season change, I get excited about the new clothes they get. I also get a little sad for the clothes that I put away.

You are 15 months old now. For the past week we have been able to go to sleep expecting to actually sleep. Thank you.
(I have no idea when I will get the courage to stop giving you bottles.)
Yes, the two year old size hole still haunts me as well. We'll definitely be taking the mono-rail next time.
I'm also totally with you on the clothes thing. As I've sat and packed things away from the past 7 months, some things I just hold for a few minutes and remember. Bitter sweet for certain.
I love Randomness.
Speaking of scary, non-toddler proof public places, we were at the National Aquarium in Baltimore last weekend and I saw a small girl about age 3 climb onto a railing over the stingray/shark pool! I thought I would have a heart attack as I made a horrifying gasp and lunge toward her. The mother heard me and grabbed the girl while fussing at the Dad. His response? "I got her."
I had to sit down to calm my nerves.
Ah, you went and got my heart racing again. Friend told me the other day that she saw a kid drop over the fence to the lion area at the zoo into the bushes. Yikes! Glad to know that it doesn't stop giving you cardiac arrest even when your own are gone...thanks, thanks for that.
It's when you hear or see things like that, that you know those guardian angels are working overtime!!
The children are growing ever so fast, again, thank you for sharing them with us.
As for the bottles, don't worry about it, when they get ready to give them up, you'll know.
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