Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome 2008, Goodbye 2007

We took some road trips to Atlanta, Texas, Kansas and Nebraska. And we bought a minivan to hold all of the people we were looking forward to having.
We passed the cold days, just the two of us, in doors dreaming up new activities. And we spent some weekends with Gracie while mom and dad prepared for these new people we were looking forward to having.
We got our first hair cuts, which didn't go over so well, but mom wanted us to look sharp for the big event of welcoming Aunt Lori to the family. And they needed something easy to care for because of these new people we were looking forward to having.We broke outside as soon as the weather let us, where we found a pool, a new sandbox, that crazy red hoe, and many woks.But we still took some time to use our imaginations on days that we couldn't get outside because it was just too darn hot, which started right around the Fourth of July when mom was really ready to welcome these new people we were looking forward to having!
And about that time, these little people came along and changed things forever.
And we became a big, crazy family of six.
And the ladies learned the ropes and fit right in to the chaos
And after a bit of a rough start, the chaos has ground back down to an acceptable level, even though you wouldn't know it from any group photo that has been attempted since July.
We were thankful.
And finally, we learned to climb and work together, celebrated Christmas, and continued to charm, enrage, frighten, warm, and bring joy right on in to the new year.On the docket for 2008: getting toddler beds since the great Christmas break-out by Nicholas (stay tuned), potty training, meaningful conversation, crawling, walking, talking, and (fingers crossed) consistently sleeping through the night. Being finished with bottles and formula! Oh, and one two-day train trip--Patric and I are already like little kids talking about that one.

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