Friday, January 25, 2008

The Six Month Stats Are In

15 pounds and 11 ounces
25 inches tall
3 shots, one oral immunization
No screaming fit until the needles, but who can blame her?
Smiles and pulling the nurse's hair was applauded by all.
16 pounds
26 1/2 inches tall
3 shots, one oral immunizationGirl was a bit more serious and none too happy about the physical examination, but who can blame her?
Pushing up and standing tall with assistance was applauded by all. The one infected ear earned her her first round of antibiotic.
Riddle of the day.
You have: 4 babies--2 in the car, 2 at home. You are due to relieve the nanny in 10 minutes. Your husband is out of town for the evening. You have one prescription to fill. How do you do it?

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