When Patric had to work one Saturday last month, I put them to work cleaning.
They loved it, and then they blew through four different bottles of cleaning supplies.
By the time Patric came home, I had a raging migraine.

They'll wear pigtails sometimes now, which is cute.
Then they'll insist on having four or five put in their hair--whatever.

I went out and bought non-toxic cleaning supplies after that day.

She was really making a stand.

Until she got hit.

Ben building castles.

We let them decorate the tree this year and they did a great job.

Sisters--breaking into spontaneous, loving hugs every now and again.

And then, the first night when we came down from tucking everyone in, the tree had fallen over.

My brother and nieces came to visit over Thanksgiving weekend. It was great to see them. Nicholas was a little ramped up though.

This wig has seen better days.

Playing doctor at our house involves sawing and clamping with the tools.
Cleaning gives me migraines too...
Those kids--what a delightful brood, especially castle building Ben and the kissie/huggie girls.
I love the peek into the lives of your family. Thanks for posting the photos and your insightful commentary!
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