And so Saturday, we had our fifth celebration.

Complete with Ghost Rider cakes as requested.

Stars Wars toys from us.
(And from Aunt Cynthia--Patric is so pleased to now be learning the transformer Star Wars toys... He said to say a particular thanks.)

And tons of loot from adoring family and friends.

And the special treat of having grandma and grandpa airplane there all weekend to play and play and play.
Looks like a great party, and the boys came out very well. The princesses add a very nice touch to the party as well. So cute!
Great job on the cakes too!
I cannot believe the Stuber boys are FIVE?!! Where has the time gone? Those cakes are awesome and frightening? What is this skeleton thing I don't even know what it is, you must fill me in before I get there!
Nick and Ben are a joy to watch grow and change, thank you so much for letting us be spectators on their childhood!
Now, to six...and beyond!!
Were there pirates and princesses on the Death Star?
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