We can do, and we'll do it with dignity, and we'll throw in potty training too for an extra challenge.

I got pulled over before we got in; Benjamin screamed at the Christmas music the second I turned it on in the car.
Good Times.
And we said a last good-bye.
And, thankfully, the first day of deployment turned out to be the worst. He sent a message that he was in Bangor, Maine getting ready to fly out. But I missed the call because I was taking Elaine to a specialist to "probably have an MRI" for a lump in her leg, through an ice-storm, and daycare closed early so I had to take all four. It took me literally 6 months to be comfortable that she would be okay.
We celebrated Valentine's Day with our friends Nancy and Jim.
We visited our friends in Mississippi more than I count.
Aunt Brian and Aunt Lori came to visit over her birthday and we helped her celebrate.
And we went to one of our favorite places: the Memphis Botanical Gardens
One huge treat was hosting the Dukes for a weekend with a visit from Emily King.
And my parents visited often in those cold early months of the year.
And we helped Emily celebrate her second birthday.
And Emily, in turn, helped us to Easter Egg hunt.
(Seriously, her mom remembered to bring baskets for all five kids. Me, I didn't even have a plastic grocery bag in the car.)
And we motored back to St. Louis while we still had a place to go there.
And we took our first plane trip alone and first ever for the girls to Nebraska for Easter Sunday.
We nearly lived at the zoo when the weather began to warm.
And our friend Joyce introduced Elaine to the iPhone.
The Kings would come and take the troop on outings so that I could have some time in my house alone every now and again.
In May my brother and parents spent a long weekend putting together our summers' (fingers crossed at the time) entertainment.
Flat daddy showed up.
We discovered Aunt Cynthia's community pool and how quiet it is in the morning.
July 4 we made our longest solo car trip to date--Kansas to visit grandma and grandpa airplane.
Grandma and Grandpa Helmers came to visit for the girls' birthday.
But we waited just a little while to celebrate,

(Seriously, her mom remembered to bring baskets for all five kids. Me, I didn't even have a plastic grocery bag in the car.)

Who stayed with the kids while I business tripped for nearly a week!
Just plain bravery.

A site for sore eyes and sore shoulders.
And he got straight to work on his tan.

(notice the Benjamin smile.)
And soon preschool days for all four were upon us.
And we stayed close to home for nearly a month just enjoying each other.
And on Labor Day, Patric took the kids back to Kansas for a visit with family.
And in early October we met our newest family, Noah, in person.
And when you're in South Central Missouri, you kind of have to go to a cave.
And when I went again for business, Patric took them out for the annual sailing of the Bismark.
And Grandpa Airplane came to visit and spend his birthday with us.
And then the whirl of holiday activity kicked off with Zoo Boo.
A trip to the pumpkin patch and one of my all-time favorite Stuber pictures.
A trip with daddy to his pinning ceremony for 2 Bronz Stars.
Don't worry, there was no actual harming of Alida in the pumpkin patch picture.
Veggie Tales Live!
Thanksgiving Shenanigans.
And right after Thanksgiving in the space of less than 2 weeks, four Stubers celebrate birthdays, whew.

That's incredible.
We bought a real Christmas tree, which has been our goal for several years now.
And my brother and nieces came to visit.
And there were LOUD flu shots.
And Ghost Rider Birthday cakes.

I am laughing with tears in my eyes at the never before seen pumpkin patch picture. Was that posted before? Did I miss it? My favorite is the "no harming of Alida" follow-up photo because it's hilarious and because I think I have the same pants she's wearing, 26 sizes larger, of course.
Hooray for 2010 being OVER and for all the good things to come in 2011.
You guys are real troopers. And I'm not just talking about the guy who's in an actual troop...
Remarkable year. You and the Brood managed it so beautifully.
Happy 2011!
A year's worth of joy, sadness, fear, anxiety, a little sleep-deprivation, patience, wackiness, exhaustion, exhuberation...the list goes on...all summarized in 5 minutes.
2010 is behind you, and while some of your reserves may have been depleted, you have 2011 to re-energize and tackle anything that comes your way. Happy New Year Stubers!!!
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