You were brand new and so tiny (the smallest of the four of you).
And then you were one,
and two,
and three,
and four,

When we talk about you Ben, we talk about how kind you are, how tender.
We watch you build things. You ask for your dad's castle game a lot so you can sit in the dining room and arrange the castles on the board, building a little city. When your classroom got a building set like tinker toys, you were beside yourself. You don't like your homework, even though you can do it in about a minute every time if you just would, and every time you have to brush your teeth you say, "Again?" You close your eyes during the scary parts of Ghostbusters and ET, but you'll ask to watch these over and over again. You go with the flow. Of all of our kids, you will come and ask for one of us to come and play with you away from everyone else for just a little while. You melt my heart when you show up and tell me you love me out of nowhere.
I feel as if I really know Ben with this post. Happy Birthday, Ben! I hope you love being 5!
Gran of The Dukes
The first twins - so very special and unique in their own way. I LOVE your birthday posts! I can feel how proud you are through your entries as you reflect on their lives and what joy they bring to your large family !
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