Take away all the toys that are going to keep them awake and annoy me time.
Debate about whether the gifted Silly Bandz need to be banned time.
Too tired to fight it time.
And Nicholas, the boy who destroys all things, went to sleep with one of those yellow bandz wrapped around one of those green bandz.
Then the storm came through because it is still monsoon season apparently.
On came their lights because it is so much easier to watch a storm out the window with the lights on...
I talked to a friend on the phone; I took a bath; I was consumed with the book I'm reading; I was lining up things for the morning.
And around 9:45 I decided to put a stop to the party in the boys' room.
We re-tuck and good-night again while I showed an unusual amount of patience taking into account the shock I was in that the girls weren't running around screaming due to all of the thunder and lightening. And then I find out why they had the light on.
"Mommy." (as I click off the light) "I have something in my nose." (gigantic sneeze from Ben)
"Feel better? Good night boys."
"No, mommy! I have something in my nose!"
Click light back on. Inspect nose. Blood.
"What's in your nose?"
Nose Inspection, nothing. "Okay, blow." (total disregard for what I'm about to discover.)
"No, Mom. It's a Silly Band," from Nicholas.
"Yeah, mom. I put a Silly Band up my nose."
Go get a flashlight. Can't figure out how to get the batteries in, fumble. Can't find the tweezers, dig. Drop the Kleenex on the floor; why am I so sore all the time?
Upstairs. In the boys room. Flashlight hanging from my mouth. Benjamin's head cranked back. I start inspecting. Nothing.
"Son. I don't see anything. Did you get it out?"
More cranking. More flashlight. And there it is--yellow Silly Band I can only see if I pull his nose open in a particular way and flash the light as deep as I can.
Tweezer time.
I maneuver the tweezers about a foot up the boy's nose and pull out a yellow Silly Band, broken, about three turns of the yellow one above.
Nicholas: "Mom! You look like a doctor."
Me: "Well I'm not, so let's not do this foolish stuff anymore so I don't have to pretend that I am."
"Okay mom."
Benjamin: "I'm just so sorry mom."
Yeah, I'll bet you are buddy.
Now I have a whole new reason to hate those things!
I would LOVE to hear the stories on the playground today about this one!
Time to get Susan an electrician's light--you know, one of those bands that slips over your head and you really DO look like a doctor? (See Holmes on Homes)
Their silliness and total boyishness are as funny as your calm is amazing.
What in the world are these bandz?! What are they supposed to be for??
I read this post about four hours ago but just now pulled my jaw up off the floor. My goose bumps haven't yet subsided...
Please explain to the Dukes about banz since she is bereft of girls. Although it was Ben who shoved them up his nose. I wi be interested in your "take" on those goofy things. Jeesh, can anyone make a gazillion bucks on stupid stuff?
Silly Bandz: think friendship pins minus the friendship and minus the craftiness. Think hoard as many cheap, plastic bracelts as you can. Think flimsy pieces of easy to break junk that are obviously not appropriate for four-year-olds like mine. Then imagine the toy that you nearly can't avoid because it is as if there is a film of silly bandz covering the world for all children to snatch up, fight over, and then break and shove up their noses.
Silly Bandz suck.
Wow. I'm not sure if Silly Bandz have reached Kanzas yet or not. I hope not, but I will tape over the boys' nostrils at bed time just in case.
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