Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa's Birthday Gifts

My parents lovingly tucked away my third birthday gift forever ago--a wood cradle for my baby dolls--probably thinking how fun it would be to give to my daughter to play with on her third birthday.

Well, they had to have a duplicate made. So my story is that I have no idea which is the original, and I'm sticking to it.

Watch Elaine tolerate me finishing her song as if she were the boss allowing me to have my say before she went ahead and did whatever she was going to do anyway.

The second video turned out to be a little shocking really, which delighted her.

Thank you grandma and grandpa--they are perfect.


The Dukes said...

It turns out that for me, the first video was more shocking. "A dingo ate your baby!!" HAHAHAHA!!

Did I hear Grandma blowing your cover with "a factory made it?" Twins do throw quite the wrench in the "hand it down from your parent" plan- we've experienced that!

Never Wear Tennis Shoes to the Dump said...

I'm laughing hysterically about the dingo comment too. Surely the Dukes don't know that tale! Isn't that a Grandma/grandpa era story? (And my era, ahem.)

So happy the videographers will be there. As If (they wouldn't). :-)

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Seinfeld popularized it for our generation. And by OUR generation I mean Sarah and I's. Is it that you think I'm so nerdy, miss no-shoes, that I would know this story while seemingly normal people like the Dukes would not?

The Dukes said...

I am just glad that I am seemingly normal.

Never Wear Tennis Shoes to the Dump said...

I forget how Seinfeld brought us ALL together. I'm always surprised at your range--not nerdy--well read (um, well versed by tv). ;-)

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Seinfeld--more educational than high school.

Most of the normals probably don't realize that was based on a true story.

There's your range.

L&B said...

Perfect gift ideas Grandma and Grandpa Helmers!!!

Btw,anyone you is seemingly normal, you obviously don't know very well :-)