Alida is taking a pause from galloping the horse ALL OVER the new wood floors so that she can describe the horse to her daddy on the phone.
On the way home Monday, Elaine pointed out the window, "Here is a horse Alida! Look!"
"Thank you Elaine for showing me the horse!"
I was assured that we were not ruining new wood floors with all of our galloping about in what was meant to be a rocker drug up by Alida's own hands from the carpeted basement.
If you can get Elaine to cling to you instead of cling to me, you're good in my book.

I think Joe's words were something like "these suck."
Nicholas, on the other hand, exclaimed "AWESOME!"
When I later tried to explain to Nicholas that if everything is awesome, nothing is awesome, he replied: "That's where you went wrong mom."

As I lamely attempted to entertain everyone in the van while we shifted our plans, he was excellent at placating me. He just smiled and answered while I shot question after question. Then those snack bags came flying through the window from some guy (Dukes grandad in the nest car), and we got to talk about our favorite item in the snack bag. He just smiled and answered while eating his snacks. That was about the time I broke out Curious George on the DVD player. What must he have thought of me to take these snack bags from a stranger and hand them encouragingly to everyone?
Monsoon goes to Kansas! It did look like (awesome) fun especially the flying bags of treats from that nice "stranger"!
Love that trip--maybe because it had so many ad libs.
We really enjoyed meeting the Stuber Brood! It was a whirlwind of kids, toys and poppers activity dampened only by the rain but not in spirit!
Gran of The Dukes
I've told just about everyone I know the snacks-from-the-nice-stranger story.
I still can't believe we got to have lunch together alone!
It is cheesy, but true, that I felt like a celebrity was calling my home when, in actuality, it was Patric calling your cell phone while you stood in my home BUT STILL! He's in IRAQ/at the World Cup (is that over yet?). Kind of amazing to be able to call home from deployment even though I'm sure that's happened for decades now.
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