Monday, June 14, 2010

Update from Iraq

"Less than a month to go! I am going to head off to a Transfer of Authority rehearsal (sigh)... and it is hot as Hades. 118 degrees. I noticed that there was a sign on the hot trays at the Dining Facility notifying the serving temperature of food is 140 degrees according to Army Reg. Hey! Just another 22 degrees and we can start eating each other! Stupid."


JB-anon no more! said...

I'd give anything to see the Big Return and the kids' faces. Too much longer and you/Brood might be "eating each other"!

Are you putting up "flat Dad" now?

The Dukes said...

He knows you will be transferring authority when he walks in the house and going on a two hour walk alone, right? Right?!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

With no rehersal. Funny everyone keeps asking if I'll walk out the door for a week when he arrives. Um, if it didn't seem so darn inappropriate to leave my newly returned husband...