Thursday, June 3, 2010

Update from Iraq

"Good morning! Exhausted, but I am glad I came to work. It's over 120 degrees and they shut down all power to the housing area. Conserving power? Working on widgets? No one knows. If you are a day sleeper, however, you are not in good shape. It's a dry heat though... like a blast furnace. The breezes are absolutely no help. The weather I remember from last time has finally arrived. "


The Kings said...

I vow to no longer complain about our 95 temps. I can't sleep when it gets 72 in the house. Good grief!

JB-anon no more! said...

How can anyone deal with that kind of heat? "Good grief" can't begin to cover the amazement, but this is a family I'll leave it at that...with Kings.

Love other post with Airplane Grands! Brood must eat that up.