She also helped us have fun when we were practicing (term applied very loosely) our lines for our big movie audition over the weekend. We lined up the girls and Nicholas and pretended we were Mae Mobley and Aibileen celebrating our third birthday, and it was funny. It was particularly funny when Nicholas did it. If you are familiar with the characters I'm talking about, you know that The Help is a great story. They happen to be making a movie of the book in our area. In the process of trying to convince an agency that my girls were not yet three and not identical (for their 3-5-year-old, identical girl call), I somehow got them invited to try out. So the only rule Patric and I had was that there would be no tears or it wasn't worth it. Well, Elaine figured out how to have a big drama over the whole thing practicing blowing out a candle, but that girl will find away to cry over the wind blowing wrong. So amended: no tears from Alida or it wasn't worth it. So we had fun with very little pressure.

And off we went to mingle with a set of 5-year-old twins and a set of 6-year-old twins waiting for the audition. The difference in age/ability/maturity/everything-you-can-think-of was not subtle. Bottom line: the girls are beautiful! They are just the right age for the character! I'm so glad you brought them in because now I can show the producer that I don't think the dialogue is right for the age of child they need. It will be interesting to see what they come up with. In the end though, I'll say that was kind of fun for four days.
This is so super-cool! I can't wait to follow this new adventure as it all unfolds!
Oh, I think we can put a cap on that adventure and call it over.
Abileen has to have a "Baby Girl" with soulful brown eyes who adores her. That is pivotal to the story line!
Also, that smart girl who learned how to scroll pix on an iPhone in under 6 seconds, CAN learn lines. We saw it this weekend.
This is not a wrap. :-)
This sounds like so much fun. Does this mean they are going back for another audition with the producer??
Really, I think it's a wrap.
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