Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Flat Daddy

It took three adults to figure out how to put our large daddy sticker onto a board. The assembly wasn't as long as the swing set but sheesh!
Jennifer and Mark, once again, pitching in right after they got all of my children and their child to take a nap on a Saturday afternoon.

Flat Daddy is just that--a flat daddy.

We were gifted our life-size daddy by a friend of the Dukes, who I don't know.

Friend of the Dukes--thank you. I love the kindness of others.

The unveil went much more serenely than I imagined it might.

And much more sweetly I might add.

And they haven't kicked him around or broke him or used him as a sled on the stairs yet.

He's in the living room as you walk in the room from upstairs. In the morning the girls say good morning to daddy and stumble off to find their juice and milk.


JB-anon no more! said...

Duke Friends rock! The Brood can kiss Flat Daddy and learn to "be" with Real Daddy again!

What great friends you have that you don't even know. Boggles, doesn't it?

The Kings said...

This post made my day! Lovely, happy ladies who are sure to be even more lovely and happy when those daddy arms can wrap around them.

kristen said...

Glad the brood is enjoying the "Flat Daddy." Can't wait to see the kids use him as a sled for the stairs.

Kristen, Matt, Aster, and Milki

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

kristen, as in friend of the Dukes? Thanks! thanks so much!

kristen said...

Yes, I am Sarah's friend. I hope Daddy can see the videos. Wish we lived closer. We could get all the twins together. Maybe next summer.