I guess you only get a pepper ring if you are first in line.

More food.
The time it would take the brood to pick out which one boggles my mind.

No cereal crisis here.

Where to eat your food.
Plenty of seating.

Oh to have his metabolism.
This is breakfast I think.
Is that a flat screen t.v.?!!!! Geez Louise. It's almost like a spa vacation. Almost. (The main difference being meal serving size...)
Patric took to heart the food pyramid, but I have to agree about the metabolism comment. As I sip coffee and eat one tiny piece of toast with I Can't Believe Its Not Butter...I feel ever so slightly envious of Patric. Call 9-1-1!
Okay,so I guess they don't need the Costco boxes of Easy Mac, Oreos, and PowerBars I was going to send!
But I am super glad they are well looked after over there! It would have wrecked my day if I had seen prison food for the guys.
Oh don't not send the Easy Mac! For some reason they work like vampires (well because it is safer to work like vampires there) and I think he actually only gets there for breakfast, which actually turns out to be his dinner time, because it's closed when he is awake most of his day.
And really, who doesn't want a break from the bacon and cereal every once-in-awhile for some feels-like-home-(particularly our home)-mac-n-cheese?
May I suggest a blog name-change since the words "mac-n-cheese" appear so often? The Mighty Mac-Stuber Brood"...
No JB, you may not. I don't feed my kids mac-n-cheese. Never heard of it.
I'm not sure why, but the uniform on the server/waiter makes me laugh... along with the Easter decorations and I think the Twilight poster may be my favorite.
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