And from his perch high above the world the neighbor kid took pity because

literally this day the boys were in the backyard fighting over a spaghetti spoon in the backyard. A spaghetti spoon that they wound up breaking. When Nicholas told me he would get me a new one and I asked with what money, he replied: I will fly away to Ironman and get you an Ironman spoon mom. To which I countered: Ironman has free spoons?
Look at Ben, cool as he can be, aiming and calm in the firestorm. That comes from having three siblings continually knocking you down and taking your stuff.

It's good to have friendly neighbors with one child who take pity on your children.
Godo jobs, guys!
Keep that kid as a BFF.
It's wonderful to have GREAT neighbors:)
Besides, I'm sure sharing with four is much more fun than playing by yourself.
Tell the Neighbor Kid we said THANKS for being such a great kiddo!!
How much more fun did the Stuber weekends just get?! Sweet.
I bet he loved having them over as much as they did!
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