We flew home half buckled and screaming as the rain began to fall.
"It's night outside!" exclaimed Benjamin.
I flung kids from the car and pointed them to the door. I got them in and raced out to get the van in. There was hail in the forecast. Right about the time I got the van in and me out, the weather sirens started. I smacked the garage door to close, and the power went out.
We hit the laundry room for half an hour while that went on. Then we meandered around the powerless house hollering at each other the rest of the evening. Then I got everyone in bed and stumbled around getting the house ready for our friends Matt, Matti and Jules who were to arrive that evening. They knew how to get in, so I went to bed hoping there would be power, but I left a flashlight in the door anyway. Good thing. No power until dinner Saturday evening at dinner right about the time the panic attack was getting ready to set in on how to continue to deal with no power and rotting food and screaming kids and friends who drove all this way to bake in my house. They were gracious. They were very gracious.
Alas, Saturday we did get out for our very first four-Stuber swim party in a real pool. We had a blast, and I forgot the camera. I'm told there were pictures, which I'll share when I get them. But really, I had four kids under four at a swimming pool. No matter how good the adult:child ratio, I was still pretty much on high alert the entire afternoon.
Chad and I never lost power. Not that I'm bragging or anything, but the whole weekend I've been on facebook and talking to people and almost everyone I know lost power for most of the weekend. All around us the power was out, but ours stayed on the whole time. Weird. Usually it goes out as soon as there is a flash of lightning.
Can't wait to see the swimming pictures. You're a better woman with me, dealing with four children and no husband, power, or a/c for over 24 hours.
Sometimes I feel like you are in survival training as well. I would like to see Patric's guys live through this and not break.
I love to look at the items of necessity in the picture; cheetos, spiderman complete with spider, baby doll, etc.
No power is no fun. Glad you found the pool to cool off.
Very thankful everyone weathered the storm without incident.
And it does indeed look as if all the true necessities were taken into the "safe place."
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