Spaghetti and meatball cupcakes made by co-worker Nancy.

Once the kids figured out that I wasn't feeding them a second dinner, they LOVED them.

Sometime in the past month, summer arrived. It is time to put away the boots.

Nicholas has started jumping off of things. Alida always follows and generally does not make as graceful a landing. Yes, I stood there and took pictures...what?

This is a fire truck. Elaine is apparently sitting on the hood and no one is concerned with her safety.

Poor, poor wet peonies. Next year I will rescue you for a fragrant bouquet before you are torn apart by monsoon season.

I was a little amazed that I actually came across them having tea with their bears. I thought that happened in other, well-mannered households.

This is a train. Nicholas is the engineer. Ben is apparently in the dining car.

You know how people always have those cute close-up pictures of their kid's feet?
I don't have any of those.

Thank you Alida for showing the world your peanut butter sandwich.

Four days worth of laundry.

A big, happy Elaine mess.

See Dukes? The water table is really a foot soaking bath.
Ah, yes, we see! Won't be showing the boys this post...
You can bet if Elaine was riding on the fire truck hood in this house that Ian would rip her a new one, less out of his concern for her than out of his concern for his "truck."
P.S. Ian is still talking about "Eyaine and Eyina" coming to our house.
Ah, I love randomness.
Love the randomness! My favorite is the tea party and the big grin on Elaine(?)'s face! Can't wait to see y'all this weekend!
Love the water table, too cool!
Love the tea party, too. But, you gotta love the peanut butter sandwich shot! You're great with the camera, Mom.
Thanks for the randomness, hope Nicholas lets go of the boots without too much of a fuss.
And Gentle Ben, you got the right idea, son, the dining car is the place to be:)
And, Mom, yuk on the laundry:( Four days in your house, two weeks elsewhere:)
Randomness is the best. I love little kid feet. I would say baby feet, but they aren't babies anymore! The tea party was so cute and so was the train. Your kids have great imaginations. Can't wait to see y'all tomorrow. I wonder what they'll think of Miss Georgia?!
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