Tuesday, August 3, 2010


"You gave them PERMANENT markers?"
"What? Look, Nicholas is Spiderman. That's his web. Isn't it cool?"

"Why permanent markers?"
"They were in that cup that looked like kids' stuff."
"You mean the cup in the upper-cupboard, tall enough to hide everything within? The one that was shoved to the far, back corner of that cupboard? That one?"
"What's THAT?!"
"That says 'Danger, robot laser', mommy."
"He put a WARNING LABEL on his arm?!"
And Patric says: "Isn't that neat?"

"Here Mommy, watch me swing into action!"


Never Wear Tennis Shoes to the Dump said...

That dad thought the arm was "cool" and "so neat" is why he needed to be home and per usual, it could have been worse. Yes?

Are the PERMANENT markers now in the very best hiding place ever, ie the trash can?

The Dukes said...

Oh no he did-ent!!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

He did. And he thought it was even more funny reading about it again today.

JB--even more ridiculous is that I need the pens to mark all of the crap they have for preschool--otherwise they never would have come in the house...

Never Wear Tennis Shoes to the Dump said...

Ha, I thought someone like me brought them in, along with fully loaded cokes and ball point pens. Maybe scissors too!

No need to publish unless you feel like dying today and never having another babysitter.