He just looks it, no?
We fed the goldfish with my parents at some point this summer.
It was as disgusting as it ever was.

Second thought: why don't they at least have the same hair color?
Man. When he's in the mood, he's in the mood.
I took this picture for a reason other than to point out what a mess it was. I cannot remember now why I did that.
She still comes out of no where and scares me with that baby every once-in-awile. It's creepy, and she remembers that it creeps me out.
So if I had to say I missed something from Patric being gone, it would be the out-pouring of support from friends and friends of friends and strangers. That was amazing. I will remain amazed for the rest of my days. And that will be what I remember from this past year: the year that people overflowed with good will.

She spent most of the cake time making sure the Chik-fil-A cow didn't come anywhere near her.
She came over to visit and we all played right there in the entry way the entire time.
She also came over to visit faithfully on Sundays when Patric was gone to fold my kids' laundry. That was the biggest help.