Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blissfully Unaware

At 8:15 last night I put you to bed and tucked you in, and and we said prayers and gave kisses after reading two books.
And then I walked out the door and locked it from the outside behind me. Oh, yes I did. I had to actually rearrange doorknobs in my house last night to accomplish this. No one will be locking themselves in the bathroom around our place either--it's a win-win.
At 10:00 I went back in and you had turned on the lamp, put all of the books from the shelves on your beds so there was no place to sleep and you were laughing and playing. This was better than the hour and a half of fighting the night before. So, I took away the lamp, cleared your beds, put you back in, and locked the door behind me.
The picture above is how I found you this morning. I have no idea if you ever went to sleep. I'm not sure I even care because I did go to sleep, and it was wonderful.


The Dukes said...

YEEEEESSSS! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

The Kings said...

Was getting ready to email you for the run-down of how it went. Very glad YOU had a blissfully unaware, sleep-filled evening!

Anonymous said...

Outwit, outplay, outlast! You ARE the sole survivor at this challenge!

The Noltes said...

You do what it takes to get your sleep! You are the MOM!
I agree with 'Anonymous' up there!

Gran of the Dukes