Monday, November 16, 2009

The Saturday Inning: Day of Reckoning

I cannot remember the last Saturday that we have not got in the car and gone somewhere. But that's what we did this past weekend. We stayed home all day long. And I let the television take care of them. And I opened the back door for them to come and go. And I went upstairs and I went through all of the crap piece by piece. Every single McDonalds toy is gone. Every single scrap of paper that Nicholas has tucked away is gone. Some old toys that no one ever played with are gone. A full bottle of Vaseline that I bought before we had the boys because some list said we had to have Vaseline is gone. I washed sheets. I threw open windows. I actually enjoy these days as long as I can get a little peace to get it done.

That's probably why I am proud to say I did not loose my mind when I found this.
What? You can't see what I'm talking about?

Here, maybe this will help. Three pails full of sand brought in for play by Elaine. The best part was that we had pancakes for breakfast--with syrup--which I hadn't gotten around to cleaning yet. The coffee table looked like a gigantic glue and glitter craft project gone horribly wrong.

Thank you Uncle Brian for helping us build the sandbox.
I am currently plotting my revenge.


Anonymous said...

Overused, but oh so appropriate: no good deed goes unpunished.

I thought it was sugar on the coffee table but that didn't make "logistical" sense.

I know you were your usual calm self...

The Dukes said...

I thought it was sugar too!


I always knew the Brood was Mighty AND Crazy.

The Kings said...

Sand was not what came to my mind either. Oh my! I think I can hear you saying, "Get out and do not come back inside until I tell you that you can."

At least the upstairs was fabulous!

L&B said...

I thought for sure it was flour...

Anna said...

I knew immediately that it was sand because you said you left the back door for them to go in and out of. I love how in the picture none of them will go anywhere near the table - they know they're in TROUBLE. So, I guess you spent the next couple of hours cleaning THAT mess up. What joy. At least the weather was nice for the windows to be open. Glad to hear to got rid of some of the old junk. It always feels good to do that. :)