Last night's conversation:
Nicholas (to the opening scene of Nemo): That is a bad shark. I would spank that shark's bottom.
Benjamin: Nickel, sharks don't have a bottom.
Nicholas: Yes they do.
Benjamin: No, no they don't
Nicholas: Then I would swim down there and put a bottom on him and spank it.
Benjamin: Well Nickel, you would need a wetsuit.
Nicholas: No I wouldn't.
Benjamin: Yes you would, Nickel. You can't just swim down in the ocean without a wetsuit.
Nicholas: Yes I can. I would swim naked.
Benjamin (considering): You could. (pause) You could. (pause). Yes. You could. (with a nod)
Goes to show you, What do doctors REALLY know?
I remember telling Jennifer that they were "talking" to each other and that you could tell they knew what the other was saying. It was really cool to hear them "jabber" to each other in a language only they could understand.
But from that conversation, not only has the "speech" improved, those little minds are WAY past their age in problem solving.
I mean, you ADD a bottom so you can spank it and if you're naked you CAN swim to the bottom of the ocean. GREAT thinking Benjamin and Nicholas, GREAT thinking!!
I love to watch (or read about) kiddo brains in motion! Sharp, sharp little men.
I loved those jammies from the picture! We'll be wearing them again this winter, I just saw them in the drawer the other day.
Smart boys and I like the way they think but I would really put the kabosh on the skinny dipping talk because that is not going to go over well at school...
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