Way back at their two-year well visit, we discussed the boys' language with the pediatrician since they weren't really talking much. There was mention of a speech pathologist. Since we already had a dermatologist, allergist,
pulmonologist, and, actually, a speech pathologist for other problems, we nodded our heads and never mentioned it again. How many -
ists could we visit really?
Last night's conversation:
Nicholas (to the opening scene of Nemo): That is a bad shark. I would spank that shark's bottom.
Benjamin: Nickel, sharks don't have a bottom.
Nicholas: Yes they do.
Benjamin: No, no they don't
Nicholas: Then I would swim down there and put a bottom on him and spank it.
Benjamin: Well Nickel, you would need a wetsuit.
Nicholas: No I wouldn't.
Benjamin: Yes you would, Nickel. You can't just swim down in the ocean without a wetsuit.
Nicholas: Yes I can. I would swim naked.
Benjamin (considering): You could. (pause) You could. (pause). Yes. You could. (with a nod)