Monday, February 9, 2009

The Saturday Outing: Spring Fever

I love it when training gets canceled and daddy gets to hang out with us.

I think the kids do too.


The Kings said...

Can't you put bricks on their heads or something. My goodness they are all looking so grown-up.

The blog update looks awesome as always.

Anonymous said...

I love all the new pictures! Especially the one at the top! I can't wait for y'all to meet Georgia! She's sitting in her bouncy seat right now and loving it! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

There's no doubt the Brood loves Daddy being home, those precious little faces PROVE that.

All the pictures are great, as always. You and Mark have the best talent for capturing wonderful shots!!

And I agree with my Jen, they are growing up WAY too fast. The four little ones aren't little anymore:)

Anonymous said...

I love, Love, LOVE all the new pictures! They made me smile today ;) Emily's mom is right - you must make them stop growing. Jenny and I need to get over there and see them before they all forget us! BTW - I got laid off Friday, so if you need a sitter sometime, let me know! I've got a lot of time on my hands.