Monday, July 1, 2019

Nicholas Sews

Middle School 7th Grade Sewing Class Project:
A Quilt.
We went to the sewing store and chose the fabric, discussing how patterns can be mixed and how black can be more than black.  He chose a music note pattern and a large white paisley on a black background. And knowing we were moving to a warmer climate soon, the flannel twin sheet from his bed made a perfect backing, which was envied by all classmates when they showed up with cotton.  Needless to say, he received an A in this elective course, and he loved the quiet class that started many of his days this last year.  His bedroom in the new house will be designed around this piece. 
Of course now every time there is some piece that is in disrepair around our house that I move to throw out, he lectures me on how we could fix it.  

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