Thursday, July 25, 2019

Moving In

And then we landed at this place, where the view from my back porch is a pond across the way.

And Alida and I agreed that this shower curtain is lovely.
Neither of us being floral pattern sorts, I think we were both surprised.

And we have an eat in kitchen again instead of keeping this table in the basement.
The dog's bed, that will need to move.

The master bedroom is ridiculous, as all new master bedrooms are.

This is apparently a problem no matter where you live. 

I have a pantry!

Our American Flag has a covered front porch home!

We will do just fine here, we're sure.

The children and dog will likely never leave this room. Although it has already been rearranged, as we figured out on day one that the television backs up to Nick's bedroom wall in this configuration.  I was talking with Nick and all I could hear was Ben yelling at a video game through the wall. 

Nicholas was already staking out where to lay on the floor in the first five minutes.

And children, dog, cat, and parents are all in the same space again. And for the first time since 2013, four children are not sharing one bathroom.  We will now be able to discover who really is incapable of using the toothpaste they put on their toothbrush instead of just spitting a glob into the sink and refusing to rinse it down.

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