Toddler beds and little girls. It was a sweet beginning with lots of "Good Night, Mommy! I love you."
Then began the nightly visits somewhere between 11 and 2. And Alida, we would pick you up and put you back in bed. And you would stay away until 5 the next morning. Since daylight savings time, you have been up at 5 every morning except this morning. Do you know how creepy it is to wake up and see you standing in the dark staring at me? Or to look down while I'm in the shower and see you girls standing there outside the shower door looking like the twins from The Shining?
Some time during the night last night (somewhere between 2 and 3) I woke to my door rattling as someone tried to negotiate the baseball knob I have on it. This was weird because I keep my door open at night. I stumbled out of bed and answered the door. There stood Elaine. Elaine?! You are my good sleeper. I picked her up and she snuggled into my shoulder as we walked back upstairs. When we got to the girls' room, the light was shining and seemed as if someone had replaced the bulb with a thousand watts. Someone had pulled a chair over to the light switch in the dark of night and flipped it on. I flicked it off and tucked Elaine back in bed. She snuggled down seeming nearly thankful for the rest. I went over to pull the covers over Alida, and she was gone.
Oh bother.
The next five minutes, which seemed like an hour, were spent searching the house for Alida. Not on the floor by the bed. Not under the bed, which has happened before. Not anywhere in the girls' room. Did you crawl in with the boys? I can't imagine they'd let you do that. Nope. Not in the hall. Maybe you were down in my bedroom and I missed you when I picked up Elaine. I searched there. Nope. I looked in the bathroom since your new past-time is digging in the cabinets there. Nope. I began to panic a bit, but there was no way she could have got out the door could she? I started toward the front door first. And there she was, asleep on the living room couch. I picked this snoring person up like one of their toys and carried her back to bed. She didn't flinch. How long were you wandering the house before you finally gave up girl?
And so this morning at least when I got up at five, I had a chance to shower and get ready for the day alone while you slept off the shenanigans of last night.