I often wondered if that was hard writing that out when you were expecting your own baby and likely thought that perhaps your own husband was probably the Best Dad.

But even after dealing with our millions of children day in and day out, you still went and thought it would be a good idea to have your own baby.

And that baby will now get to do his or her own art projects with you in the future, and we will miss them.

And the ladies have had the opportunity to stay home and stay healthy with many thanks to you.

You were even brave enough to go on an outing with this mess of kids. Thanks for all of your commitment and help. We hope that this past year will make having your own little
one feel like a piece of cake. Good luck and best wishes. But don't think you won't be hearing from us because we're too nosy not to pester you for updates now and again.

And thank you for loaning us your sister too! I now have both your cell phone numbers, and we plan to use them.
I think I'm sadder about her leaving than she is! I'm going to miss my weekly lunches with the Brood. They really are 4 of a kind kids. I've never met a family like yours, and Jenny was really lucky to have met you guys and been able to work for you over the past year or so. I know she got a lot of good experience that will help her with her own (I'm just sure it's going to be a girl!) Please call us anytime you want even just a couple of hours to get away. I only live 5 minutes from you and I'd love to come play. I'm cheap! And I'll keep up with the kiddos on the blog (I'm sure you'll get plenty of messages from me.) Hopefully, Jenny will start a blog of her own once hers gets here, but we'll see ;)
WHAT?! Deciding to have her own child? Choosing to spend her days with a new singleton? I, for one, am appalled! The only thing that will make it okay is for MommyJenny to start her own blog, as Anna suggested.
I'm sure the kids love you, Jenny, and I know your help has been so valuable to Stuber Brood management. Good luck!
I know four little kids that will miss Nanny Jen!! Though we've never met, we've all come to know you thorugh the Stuberville News, good luck with your little one.
Hi! This is Jodi. I'm Jenny's mom and I've come to visit the brood a few times -- the last time was Wednesday of this week. You have 4 amazing children. They are so sweet and the boys obey so well for 2 year olds. I am truly amazed. The girls are beautiful and charming and SOOOOOO squeezable. I'll be keeping up with your growing family on the blog and I'm sure I'll come with Jenny sometime for a visit. I'd love to meet the mom of this brood!
We are glad to have anyone who adores our kids come around Jodi. Thank you for the kind words and thank you for the great bibs for the girls' birthday--wonderful. We are amusing to you now, and we appreciate the attention very much, but I would guess that come next January the Stubers will be a funny memory as your grandmother duties take center stage.
I know Dukes, you would think after watching the two of us no one would consider children.
So, I guess Patric told you that I cried like a baby when I left today. I will miss your children so much! This has truly been one of the most fun and rewarding jobs I've had! The kids made it so easy (most of the time!). They really are great kids! You'll be seeing me! (and my family too, apparently!)
Nanny Jenny
(or is it Mommy Jenny now?)
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