Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Was it really a year ago Saturday that the doctor had to drag you feet first into the world, I believe against your wishes? You were so quiet and alert.And you were our biggest baby at 6 pounds and 9 ounces. The one that should have been the best sleeper.
You quickly fit nicely into our now ginormous, chaotic family.
And then you smiled. I will not experience my own baby's first smile again, but it's okay because yours was enough for the ages. You quickly laughed, and even when it was the middle of the night (because, as we all know, you did not turn out to be our best sleeper), your amusement at getting us up to attempt to get you back to sleep melted our hearts.
And you've really been such a good sport.
And you're very cooperative for the camera.
I admit I have had to fumble around trying to figure out how exactly to dress a little girl, and I will work on it. In the meantime, you've done an excellent job of making sure that you are in the middle of the fray on most occasions. From the moment you began moving with your lunging crawl, you have found yourself in a pile of boys who weren't always kind. But you've held your own and made me proud.
You've been in such a hurry to make all your milestones. Slow down girl. We have time. Also, did you know that some consider sleeping through the night a milestone?
I don't care what you say, that girl looks good all dressed up.
And pretty girl, I can see in your eyes that we will have many adventures in the next years. And I can't wait to see what things you dream up that will make me crazy.
Yep, it's right there in your eyes.
I should have known that it was you, but I didn't. And I'm afraid that won't be the last time that your sister gets credit for some accomplishment of yours. We'll muddle through girl.
Now. Go be the toddler you so want to be. We're ready.

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