Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This Place

Used to be that we would take the kids here, glad that the boys were happy on the smaller set of equipment and glad that the girls were still not mobile.
I never took them here alone--the diapering, the potty going, the feeding, the terror of one of them wandering over to the big-kid playground and falling while someone snatched another one left behind at the small kid playground.

All four on the big kid playground.
Me watching from the side while talking to National Guarding daddy on the phone.

Oh, happy day.
Then I got all ahead of myself and took all four of them to the grocery store to pick up a few things.
Oh, half-happy day.

1 comment:

Never Wear Tennis Shoes to the Dump said...

Next time you call a friend. You know, the one who held a day-old Elaine, who used to have your job, who has a minor germ phobia. Remember her?