Friday, November 5, 2010

Just Another Day

Of singing, pumpkin carving, and sitting on the furniture.

The girls do this a lot--sit and sing non-sense songs together. Hilarious because they (nearly) sound like they are on the same page.


Never Wear Tennis Shoes to the Dump said...

I had so much fun catching up on the Stuber Brood for the entire week at one time! Fertile ground for comments, but for now I just want to know if Patric donated any DNA to the gosh, they are clones of you!

Halloween is an amazing sight to behold in your home. Did you and Patric go as cast members of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?

Brian and Lori said...

Just got a chance to view this video with only does not do the blog justice. The girls sound like a couple of drunken sailors :-) I'm still chuckling!