Ben's assignment: disguise his turkey with his family (I guess to save him from becoming a feast).
Everyone pitched in, and while I admittedly generally feel annoyed by this kind of stuff wriggling its way into our evenings, this one was fun. They all had fun with their different tasks and were really proud to take it in to preschool the next day.
When Ben marched in the next morning, the first worker we met asked him about his turkey, and he started to describe everything we had done. And then Nicholas jumped in more loudly and more quickly to finish. Ben automatically shut down and let his brother take over.
Then Laura asked Nicholas to politely be quiet and let his brother finish.
Nicholas stood like a cartoon character ready to burst with the need to provide the presentation as Ben stepped-up and finished what he was saying with a smile and excitement that we rarely get to see.
I am SO glad they are in different classrooms in preschool, and I hope it continues on through all of their school days. No, I will insist it continues through all of their school days.