"I'm making a clock mom."
"What comes after 12?"
"Um, 1."
(scoffing) "No, it doesn't."
"Yes, on a clock it does. (drawing a picture) See here is 6: wake up time; 7: school time; 8: breakfast time; 9: school work time; 10: play time; 11: clean up time; 12: lunchtime; 1: nap time; 2: play time; 3: outside time; 4: daddy and I pick you up time; 5: dinner time; 6: clean up and bath time; 7: Batman time; 8: bed time; 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sleep time. And then it starts again."
"But what comes after 12 mom?"
Breezing through the kitchen comes dad: "Well, actually Susan, in military time it is 13..."
"See mom!"
"Really? You really want your children to be mocked by their classmates?"
(Mock pre-schooler voice) "Well, ACTUALLY, in the military it's Fifteen-hundred right now, which is play outside time..."
"What? What's wrong with that?"
"Mom! What.Comes.After.12?"
"NO, it doesn't!"
"Well, that's because you put all your numbers in a quarter of the clock. You have to spread them around, and you'll see that 1 comes after 12." (pointing to the to-scale picture)
"Mom. Just tell me what comes after 12."
"13, Nicholas. 13 Comes after 12."
Gotta love that boy's persistence when he thinks he knows the answer but wants confirmation.
Somehow I think peer pressure will not affect the child either. He will mock them back, I think.
Who's on First? Did Nicholas just out-logic you?
I still have to use my fingers to calculate military time.
Hahaha! Whose team are you on, Patric?!!
We use military time at work and I still have to use my fingers too!
So funny that he's "already smarter than" you. What in the world are you going to do when he's a teenager?!
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