Grandpa met us in middle Tennessee on a gorgeous fall day.

That happened to be the day of an airshow, so we ditched the meetings for an hour to go visit the airplanes. The boys claimed they saw the guns on this one.

No one was cooperating much with pictures.

Later we swam.

And swam, and swam, and swam until little eyes were red and skin was wrinkly. And this will be the moment that Nicholas declared he got the hang of it and was off not clinging for dear life to anyone that would hold him.

And in an
unprecedented feat of sleeping, they didn't budge until after 8:30 the next morning.
You and the Brood have the best adventures! They are making wonderful memories. BTW: when are you putting in a pool at home? Nicholas needs one.
Those little swimmy things look pretty nifty- where'd you get those?
I think one of the girls spotted some guns back there on a plane in the group picture!!
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