Homemade Cinnamon Rolls from your mom.

A little
Bacon Salt from your brother.

And kids made happy by their daddy.
Flowers from co-workers, well wishes from the kids' teachers, cards, e-mails.
Thank you all.
What else could a re-couping woman ask for?
For everyone to go away for a week?
Well that sounds like a lovely idea.
Heard about your well-earned "vacation." Rest well, lady. Jenny, Georgia, and I will plan to come visit the first weekend in June. Yes, you have been successfully vague.
Are they on the road now?!
My mom is at the airport on her way to some well earned rest now. The rest leave at naptime today. Send well wishes their way.
Wonderful wishes to everyone!
Glad your recovery is going well. Glad your mom was there and hope she had a very safe trip home.
Glad boys, girls, and Dad are getting away for some road-trip time.
And very glad the Stuber home will be all quite and calm for Mom:) You have a restful weekend.
But, I'm going to be curious to know how many times you wake up "thinking" you heard one of the little ones.
AND a very special THANK YOU, PATRIC and those like you who do what it takes so that we can have a great Memorial Day weekend.
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