My peonies are so wet they've all dove for the support of the ground if the pelting rain hasn't simply torn them apart. I will continue to explain to the children that flowers in the ground are my favorite kind, so please stop stripping the daisies and
daylillies and aster and all other manner of flowers out of the flower beds and bringing them in a pile to the back door please.

We certainly had our moments yesterday.

Some good and some bad.

Some goofy.

But I'll choose to remember that we had a good time eating peanut butter
sandwiches and stealing chips off the counter and welcoming daddy home (in the early afternoon!) and spending our time mostly on top of each other in a big
Stuber ball.

And thank you for my Mother's Day gift Patric.
It was just what I needed.
I know it was another awesome Mother's Day in Stuberville. The new label, awesome. So very true.
It does look as if a good time was had by (almost) all. A great mother's day in Stuberville, wonderful. Glad Dad got to participate!
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