Grandma arrived last week to provide some relief to Patric, who has proved he can do it himself, but really how much fun is that?

Because while each minute is new and different, it can get tedious all at the same time.

This day the table and chairs were a robot. Nicholas usually dictates. And yes, those are the girls' Christmas pajamas.

There was the trip to the park that wouldn't have happened without grandma. The girls are getting more and more brave.

And then there was this. I am completely unclear how this was accomplished but surely grandma had something to do with it.

And girls playing to catch together in the yard?!

Thank you grandma for helping stand guard and feed these people this week.
What are you putting in their food? I didn't know they were still capable of taking a nap.
Grandmas are so good! Emily has her Christmas pjs back out as well. Yep, still gets pretty cool around here at night.
Way to go Grandma:) I think it was probably just all the great fun and excitement they were having that just wore them down.
Great fun!
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