You all were so well behaved at the motel breakfast we were complemented, even though I think you all ate 10 buckets of yogurt that morning and then threw them up later in the car.

Alida: If it were only this easy.


Brian saved you. And then you crawled right back in there, didn't you?

Alida, the girl who would not sit still, has bonded with grandpa, the grandpa who would like nothing more than to just sit still with a grandgirl.

This is Brian and Lori's kitchen. It was clean when we arrived.

This is Brian and Lori's living room. It also was clean when we arrived.

And the girl just sat with him.
And he is speeding this way to do it again this weekend girl.

When we couldn't find Elaine I had a couple of heart attacks here. We finally spotted her on the third level wandering around. I still have no idea how she got up there.

Back to work.

Alida so charmed grandad, he even did some cooking with her.

Creepy. But fun.

Why I haven't posted as much lately.
And how I celebrated Earth Day.

This happens when he is home.
He hasn't been home much the last month, but we managed a batch one evening. Except half way into it I realized I didn't have chocolate chips and only peanut butter chips. They weren't nearly as good.

Things we've gotten used to: piles and piles of clothes.
But bare feet and bare arms are finally here I think.

We celebrated Easter on Eastern Orthodox Easter too--mainly because Uncle Curt and his girls brought us back candy from their meanderings. It was well received.

It's getting heavy, isn't it?
I love that you celebrated Earth Day by writing a 1300 page document and making cookies that are not your favorite. No matter what happens, Mother's Day has go to be better!!
(Please tell me that's not a Guard Weekend, or I'm writing a letter to my congressman...)
Um. Get your pen and paper out.
What great "randomness!" Grandpa and girl are great:) Brian and Lori can ALWAYS clean again. Family, bonding, making memories, PRICELESS:))
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