March 10: He leaves
March 13: Gayle and Al come save me for the weekend
March 16: Gayle and Al think they need to go back to their real lives
March 20: He comes home

March 25: I have a doctor appointment; he leaves; my mother arrives
March 26: The remaining of us head to Texas
April 3: We return from Texas
April 4: He comes home; my mother leaves (one instance not directly related to other I don't think)
April 6: He starts working crazy hours to write a stupid long document

April 9: Have a little surgery and the kids leave to Arkansas
April 11: Kids return from Arkansas; he is still writing stupid long document

April 13: He gets in a car and drives to Indiana; my brother and nieces arrive
April 14: He drops off crazy long document and drives back from Indiana; my brother and nieces depart
April 15: Doctor Appointment

April 12: Easter Sunday

Today: Preparing for the next Guard weekend a short week away from now when my parents will return