Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oh, Who Am I Kidding?

Two thirds of the kitchen eating area is dedicated to children.
My living room has been overrun.
Our comfy extra bedroom/separate the girls for nap time room/one parent's children's ward pretend-to-sleep on your night area. (Who's brave enough to actually come stay with us these days anyway, right?)
The kids bathroom. Surprisingly devoid of clutter.
It was never going to be anything other than home to children. Beds pushed together to avoid the clammor to shove into one bed and then get cramped and move to the floor for sleeping space.
I admit it. I live in a daycare center.
Oh, what's this? Nope. There is a pile on the buffet table there. That's where all things that need shuttling upstairs go to wait. The stack gets embarrassingly high at times.
My kitchen/baby food prep center.
My laundry room/changing station.
My bedroom/place where all outgrown things go to wait station
And, the toys are getting bigger and bigger.
It's so worth it.

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