Thursday, July 30, 2020

Fresh Air Up There

Ben and Alida giving the tandem bike a go before each choosing their own. 

Alida was not as keen as the rest for the now annual Itasca State Park ride.  We did opt for the 6 mile trail instead of the 17 mile trail this year. 

And we started at the mouth of the Mississippi our course. 

And we were pretty alone on the trails this year, which was excellent since we tend to spread out from treating it as a race to questioning why we are there at all. 

And then it was off for a vehicle of a different sort. 
The girls are unquestionably tall enough this year for the first time, and Elaine took no time to master the race.

Nicholas's car was a little slower than the rest, so he kind of looked like a man out for a Sunday drive. 

And we had an entire run at the bumper boats to ourselves. 
Arriving at opening time before any other people still serves us well. 

And now that they are all tall enough to fit this, it seems not nearly as cute. 

All of them together on the swing--heart melts. 

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