Thursday, January 12, 2012


First Christmas meal in our Houston home.
There was a fire.

I put the three requested sides in the oven just in time to be ready on time.
When it started getting close, I opened the door, just to peak--corn pudding, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes... 
Instead my face was hit with smoke.

Door slammed shut quickly. 

Opened it again, and that's when the fire flared up.

Close the door again.

The alarms blew.
And man, they've got everyone covered with alarms in new homes, everywhere.

Windows up, smoke fanned, children evacuated. 
Notice my dad eating in his coat while the windows are open to air out the house. 

Dinner was a little infused with a certain fire-roasted flavor.

But man, the sticky rolls I made for breakfast that morning--that had spilled over into the bottom of the oven--those were darn good.

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