Monday, January 16, 2012

The Economist

Me: "Your Uncle Brian has a job where he counts money.  That's his job!  He's an accountant."
Nicholas: "What?!  How can that be?!!!!  I do that at home for fun!"

He tells me now he's saving for college and to buy his own home.


The Dukes said...

Somebody's trying to stay on Aunt Brian's nice list!

Patric said...

and what are you going to do then Nick?
Nick jams a thumb over the shoulder and exclaims, "I'm OUTTA here!!!"
OK then, where are you going Nick?
More thoughtfully he answers, "Next door. And build STUBERTOWN!!!!"

A conversation perhaps covered or not, but seemed appropriate. Nick is preparing to range out already, just not too far just yet.