Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The 4-Year Stats Are (finally) In

This photo before 4 shots each and a nasal flu mist.

Alida: 38 1/2 inches, 30 pounds, failed the hearing screen, cleaned out a gob of ear wax, and found an ear infection.

Elaine: 38 inches, 29 pounds, failed the hearing screen, hated the shots.

Two days later they passed the hearing screen at pre-K. Onward.

Doctor read our paperwork as he walked in,

"Am I reading this right? You have two that are 5 and two that are 4?"


"I feel like I need to give you a hug."

"I would just cry."

And he laughed.

We like him.

1 comment:

The Kings said...

Yay! Glad you found a good doc out there for the Brood. The visit sounds very painful, so I appreciate the pre-ordeal photo. Growing, glowing girls!