Friday, January 28, 2011

Dining With Dad

When I forgot to put the roast in the crock pot before taking off out of town, I talked Patric through putting everything together himself.
Looks like he did a great job.
I'll never hear the end of how easy it is to cook though.


JB-anon no more! said...

Sure the actual cooking part is pretty darn easy, but those ingredients don't jump into the pantry! The idea had to be formed in someone's head also.

Repeat above meal delivery system 7 times per week. Not as easy as it looks..

Patric said...

Good point. I need to burn a few things. I wouldn't want to overachieve at that task to be sure. I am quite sure in fact, that it was pure luck that it turned out OK. Yup. Pretty miraculous in fact.