Thursday, September 16, 2010


Ever since the failure to pre-screen an episode of The Batman where zombies took over Gotham, the kids have asked to watch it every.single.night.
When I was putting Alida to bed after the first viewing, she looked up at me and said, "Mommy. When I'm a skull, I'm going to be a HAPPY skull!" Oh, well. Okay. Sweet dreams.
The same night, Patric spent quite a bit of time laying out his plan for the boys to protect them from the zombies, even though we all agreed they weren't real.
Two nights ago at dinner, we all pondered whether zombies could swim or not.

At least they don't act like them all the time.
And it's nice to see that Elaine's home-made haircut is beginning to grow out.


Never Wear Tennis Shoes to the Dump said...

The art of making interesting dinner conversation is alive and well at the Stubers. Beats answering "what did you do at school today"!

L&B said...

OOhh...Ooohh...can't wait to see the little zombies tomorrow!!

Man, these little ones have A LOT of gear to pack for vacations. I know, I know... I have NO idea, right??

Patric said...

Ben added that when I opened the door to shoot the zombies attempting to enter the house, I say,
"Hello, chum."

He makes me so proud.