Pre-school cupcake parties.
I have opinions layering on opinions about birthday parties for toddlers/pre-schoolers and invitation lists and organized parties and then the pre-school cupcakes and goodie bags that you are nearly obligated to turn up with on your child's birthday. All that alone, there is this:
as I do the rounds before finding the children last night, picking up homework, seeing if everyone has had a green day or a red day, checking boxes for information sheets, I run across a single cupcake in Nicholas' box.
Time for a quick life lesson.
Here we go.
The maniacs spot me and come running. All eyes, except Ben's, are on the cupcake in my hand. Then I hand it to Nicholas, and the girls have a fit, and I explain the situation to the girls matter of factly. Alida doesn't let it go and falls in a heap. She cries the entire way out of the center; she cries getting into the car; she cries as we drive off.
After a short conversation where Nicholas lets me know the girls are upset because they didn't get to sit in the front seat and Ben corrects him to let him know that, in fact, Alida is crying because she wants a cupcake, this follows:
"I know. I'll split it in half and share it with you Alida!"
"Can I have some brother?" asks Elaine.
"Sure. I KNOW! We'll cut it in four halfs."
(I started the math lesson but decided to shut my mouth and let this play out.)
"But, Ben already had a cupcake so he doesn't get any," Nicholas declares.
"That's right," agrees Ben.
"Okay sisters but after dinner and mommy will cut it with the knife."
And do you know, that's exactly how it played out.