Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas Day

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit just in time. 

Just in time to be put to work before the big day. 

And very early in the morning, we were summoned.  Elaine had already organized all gifts and assigned our seating for the morning. That helps when you haven't had  your first cup of coffee yet. 

And we were allowed to relax for a few moments before we began the real event of the day. 

Yes, the eating. 
But also the 13 people.

There was Pictionary.  For sure. 
Jack behaved, even if he insisted on being part of the pile of people and relaxing amidst the four team competition. 

And everyone was kind enough to pose for a group shot before heading out to their next destinations.  It is absolutely wonderful to be close to family again, after a long time apart. 

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