Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Second Birthday

In our new year-round school schedule, the kids were out of school for three weeks exactly three weeks after starting school.  It is a bit awkward. We took advantage of the time, to take a girls trip to the beach for a night.  This time the Outer Banks, where you drive over the water quite a bit.  The girls were not fans. 

The beach--fans. 

We stopped here at the end of the day, thinking we'd just wander up to the top.  But you have to get timed tickets and we were a little late. 

So we wandered elsewhere for a bit. The local woman who offered to take this photo for us without being asked also stopped to tell us to have a wonderful time in the Outer Banks and she was tickled by the girls.  We have been away from Southern hospitality for two years too long. 

And the real reason for the trip--hitting the beach on horseback at sunset. 

It turned out to be a beautiful evening, even if I couldn't get a clear picture while I was bouncing around on the horse that the owner said, "You just have to be a little careful because she likes to bite the other horses."  Um, noted.

Cape Hatteras was across the street from our hotel, so we made sure to get up the next morning and get the first tickets to climb. 

And they were very comfortable up there; I may have been clinging to the inside wall while I snapped this photo. 

I was good for about the first five flights but started to become convinced the thing was going to topple over with me in it from floors 6-10.  Outside on the deck up top, forget it. 

Then we had to. 

And we were off. 

After our wild ride, we had to go for pedicures, of course. 
Elaine is experiencing the massaging chair for the first time here.  She was delighted.

But this is the highlight of the show.  
You can't not smile watching this guy. 

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